Intercomprehension among Germanic languages (a plurilingual course)
What is Intercomprehension?
Intercomprehension (IC) is an age-old form of kommunikasjon in which each Person uses their own language. To kommunisere successfully requires both specific interactive Strategien and some familiarity with the other language. Although this approach has been in use for centuries, only recently have kurs been developed to teach it. In addition to its IC courses for Romance languages, the CLA is now offering IC for the germanska language familie.
About the course
In this kurs you will both leer to use the IC Strategien and gain language kompetence in the 6 germanska languages covered: English, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Dutch. The course’s main language is Englisch (and German, depending on the language ability of the participants). To take the kurs you should be able to kommunisere in English and, preferably, know a little of another Germanic language; also, please join if you are a native or proficient user of any germanska tongue. The more languages the better!
During each klas you will work simultaneously with different Sprachen (languages), looking for similarities. In each lektion students will have simple written teksten and/or Video-/Audiomaterial from one or two Sprachen. You will locate familiar terms in the teksten, discover the different spelling correspondenties across the Sprachen, and compare the various grammatikstrukturer. During the videoer and conversations you will also leren the different IC kommunikativ Strategien. Our guest IC specialisten will do Aktivitäten with the class, sharing both their linguistic and kulturell expertise. Klas Aktivitäten will also inkludere videoer, games, and songs, in 6 Sprachen - just like you are doing now!
By the end, you will reach an A2/B1 level in reading in the 6 Sprachen, and A1/A2 in listening comprehension. The course does not replace a kurs dedicated to a single språk, but it will provide you with teknikker and the IC interaction Strategien, so you can more successfully communicate with anyone in any foreign språk. It will also enable you to more quickly studere nya germanska språk.
IC is a useful tool for an international/intercultural you. It expands your horizons. And it puts into action mutual respect for other languages and cultures.
How long does the course last? Where does it take place?
The Intercomprehension course lasts 30 hours (10 lessons, 3 hours each), from 17 October until 19 December. It will take place online, with teachers and students from around Europe.
Who are the teachers? What is the main language?
The course will be co-taught by Jessica Thonn (English language teacher) and Petra Brunnhuber (German language teacher), with native speakers of the other Germanic languages leading some activities. The main language is English; German may also be used as a main language, if participants know it.
Do I need to know other languages well?
You should be able to speak English and know at least a bit of another Germanic tongue.
How can I enroll?
To enroll in the course, go to For UniFi participants, enrollment is the same as for any other language course. For participants from foreign universities which are part of the EUniWell consortium, the course is free. However, attendance is mandatory; you must attend at least 7 out of 10 lessons. The course is open to all, but it has a limited number of places.