Well-Being Incubator: Workshop - The rise of sea levels and societal adaptation to climate change
The workshop will be held on 13 February 2023 at 11:00 CET / 10:00 GMT and is open to researchers, students and staff across the EUniWell Alliance.
The aim of the workshop is to map the distribution of sea level rise to get a clear picture of global salinisation of agricultural land and to design a future scenario with the best adaptation strategies.
REGISTRATION: To register for the workshop, please use the following link: https://meet.google.com/mbv-iyjo-zod
CONTACT: For more information please contact Filippo Randelli, filippo.randelli[at]unifi.it.
The workshop will be organised by Filippo Randelli and Federico Martellozzo, University of Florence; Boris Braun, University of Cologne; Natasha Cornea, University of Birmingham; Peter van Bodegom, University of Leiden; and Juan Pedro Montavez, University of Murcia.