Digital Learning Materials for Teacher Education

for Educators online

This is a self-study online course on digital learning materials in English, available to all EUniWell members. This programme supports teacher education to advance their digital skills and improve their learning materials.

A woman writing in a notebook at a desk with a laptop. In the lower left corner is the logo of the University of Cologne's Centre for Teacher Education.

Are you a teacher or teacher training  student and want to expand your digital skills while also deepening your understanding of creating effective educational materials? 

This online learning module allows you to improve your teaching skills in evaluating, creating, and diversifying your learning materials. By utilising this teaching programme, you can develop new educational strategies and improve your learning material. Access this learning programme provided by the University Network for Digital Teaching and Learning in Teacher Education (digiLL) to expand your knowledge of digital learning opportunities. 

  • To receive an introduction to digital learning materials, the “Evaluating Digital Learning” module will provide you with a detailed learning objective on why and how precise analyses of digital tools can improve the selection process of digital learning materials and which criteria are generally useful for evaluating digital tools and what evaluation of digital tools looks like. 
  • To widen your perspective on learning materials, the “Diversity of Digital Learning Materials” module will exemplify insights into different digital learning materials through an exemplary categorisation, and provide you with tools which are suitable for creating digital learning materials and their advantages. 
  • With the “Creating Digital Materials”  module, you will learn what principles should be considered when creating digital materials and how the process of creating digital learning materials can work. 

Application process

There is no formal application process to exit the Digital Learning Material. The course is open to every member of the EUniWell Alliance and is accessible for self-study here


For more information about the digital learning material, please contact zfl-digitalelehre[at]
