FAQ - EUniWell Courses & Training Catalogue
How do I apply for a course or training?
- Answer: Applications for a course or training programme is centralised and does not go through each university’s usual system. A link to a questionnaire will be sent out and will be accessible for around 3 weeks to allow anyone interested to apply.
Once I've applied for a course, when will I know whether or not I've been selected?
- Answer: Once the application period has closed, all Institutions have around ten days to study the applications and inform you of their status (refused, nominated, waiting list). You will receive a reply regardless of the status of your application. Final enrolment will take place at the end of this process, with a firm commitment on the part of the applicant to attend all the courses or training sessions.
How much does it cost to enrol on a EUniWell course or training offer?
- Answer: Registration for the vast majority of EUniWell courses and training offers is free. Some exams, which award ECTS credits, may be subject to a fee. This information is available in the study guide, which can be downloaded from the offer’s page in the EUniWell catalogue.
What are the prerequisites for taking part in a course or training programme?
- Answer: Any prerequisites for taking part in a course or training offer are specified in the offer’s study guide. Courses may be limited to certain levels of study (e.g. 3rd year Bachelor's degree, 2nd year Doctorate, etc.), subject areas (e.g. health students) or user profiles (students, researchers, administrative staff).
Who can apply for courses and training?
- Answer: the student community (bachelor's, master's, doctorate), the academic and research community and administrative staff. The catalogue is designed to serve all members of the EUniWell community. Each course offer has specific target audiences, requirements or prerequisites: please make sure to read the study guide before applying.
How will my participation in a EUniWell course be recognised?
- Answer: All EUniWell courses will result in certificates of attendance and/or completion. These will indicate, where applicable, the number of hours of training involved and/or the number of ECTS credits. If you would like credits to be transferred and recognised at your home university, please note that in most cases, the recognition will be extra-curricular.
I would like more information about an offer published in the catalogue. Where can I find this information?
- Answer: Details of each offer are available in the study guide, which can be downloaded from the catalogue on the course page of the EUniWell website. If the study guide does not answer your questions, you can contact the local catalogue’s coordinators.
Can I receive a grant for an offer involving physical mobility?
- Answer: Yes, in most cases EUniWell provides a lump-sum grant to students selected for a BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) mobility. The amount of the grant may vary depending on the destination and social criteria, and it helps to cover travel and accommodation costs. Please contact your local catalogue’s coordinator and/or your International Relations Office for more information.
A EUniWell course I want to take falls at the same time as a course or other duties I have related to my studies. What should I do?
- Answer: In the event of a conflict between a EUniWell course and a course in your local study programme, priority is given to your current course and your obligations to your home university. Before applying for a EUniWell course or training offer, you should make sure that you will be available for the online sessions and/or mobility periods, and confirm that this participation does not interfere with any other internal duty (exam, internship, compulsory course, etc.).
I can't submit my application for a course via the questionnaire on the EUniWell website. What should I do?
- Answer: If you have any problems applying via the application form, please contact your local catalogue’s coordinator.
How are the offered courses and training sessions selected?
- Answer: The courses are offered by the member universities of the EUniWell alliance, and are generally an adaptation or opening of a course given in the home university. The aim is to make it possible to internationalise and customise study paths and careers. The preferred formats are online courses and short intensive placements, which can complement the study programmes offered locally.
In which language(s) are courses offered?
- Answer: EUniWell courses and training sessions are mainly offered in English, although some courses are available in other languages spoken within the Alliance (such as French, Spanish, etc.). Information about the language of instruction can be found in the study guide.
How do I propose a course for the EUniWell catalogue?
- Answer: If you would like to contribute to EUniWell Courses and Training Catalogue, feel free to contact your local catalogue’s coordinator.
Can I participate in a Blended Intensive Programme if I am already in an Erasmus+ mobility?
- Answer: In most cases, mobility students are not eligible to Blended Intensive Programmes taking place during their mobility period. You can make sure about this by contacting your local catalogue’s coordinator.
Can I apply to a Blended Intensive Programme organised by my Institution?
- Answer: In most cases, Blended Intensive Programmes are only open to participants from other Institutions. If you’d like to be involved, you can contact your local catalogue’s coordinator.
Local catalogue's coordinators
Liudmyla Zagoruiko
Associate Professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv