Painting for our well-being

07/14/2023 | by Laura Bracht | Cologne Students Participation

On 20 June 2023, students from diverse fields came together for a moment of tranquility at the “Painting for Well-Being Workshop” hosted by the local EUniWell student arena at the University of Cologne during their student representation’s Mental Health Week.

On a long day at university, students spend a lot of time looking at screens, listening to lectures, and participating in discussions. All of this can be quite draining. That’s why it is important to pause and reflect from time to time. In this spirit, the student representation of the University of Cologne offers a Mental Health Week towards the end of every semester. This week aims to create mental health awareness among students, especially before the stressful exam phase starts.

This semester, Cologne’s local EUniWell student arena participated with a “Painting for Well-Being Workshop”. The aim was to offer a room to pause and reflect and ask the question: “what creates well-being  in my life at the moment?” Local students from all fields of study were invited to paint with acrylic colours on canvases the ‘one thing’ that created the most well-being for them. Students painted, for instance, their favourite people, pets, and home interior, or beaches and gardens. During the painting session, meditative music was played in the background, and cookies and drinks were provided to create a welcoming atmosphere and a sense of calmness. 

The EUniWell student arena at the University of Cologne thanks all participants for this great time and hopes they had the chance to zoom out of the daily university stress for some time.

Further information

Find more information (in German) on the local EUniWell student arena at the University of Cologne here! 


Are you interested in getting involved at the local student arena in Cologne? Do you have ideas on how to improve well-being at our campus? Come to one of our meetings or send an email to our local student coordinator Laura Bracht.


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