Sloan Kudrinko: “It is hard to put into words all that I have learned from my time at EUniWell.”

08/30/2023 | by Eszter Turopoli | Semmelweis Students Participation

Sloan Kudrinko has represented Semmelweis University as a Student Executive on the EUniWell Student Board over the past 2 years. As a recent graduate, Sloan will be leaving university soon, and handing over her position at EUniWell. We talked to her about her best experiences and main takeaways.

Sloan Kudrinko at her graduation ceremony.
Sloan Kudrinko with her fellow classmates at her graduation ceremony.
Sloan Kudrinko at her graduation ceremony.

First of all, we would like to congratulate you on your latest diploma, which you received on 9 July 2023 during the Graduation Ceremony at Semmelweis University. Please tell us a little about what this personal experience was like for you.  

The Graduation Ceremony, an event we had eagerly anticipated since our Semmelweis University journey began, exceeded all expectations. The attendance of the Rector, Vice-Rectors, Dean, Faculty members, and our cherished family and friends from all over the world to commemorate this significant achievement turned the day into an amazing and unforgettable experience. The Budapest Congress Center served as the perfect venue, as it is where our academic journey commenced during the Opening Ceremony, bringing a beautiful sense of closure to our time here. 

As the Head of Student Affairs for the English Dental Students, I had the honour to have been seated on the stage which allowed me to witness the pure joy on my fellow classmates' faces as they proudly walked across the stage to receive the well-deserved diplomas they had worked tirelessly to achieve.  

Moreover, it was a tremendous honour to be chosen to deliver the graduation speech on behalf of the international students, representing my fellow classmates one last time. The day was filled with happiness and special moments that will be cherished in our memories forever. 

In 2021, you joined the EUniWell family and became a Student Board Member and then a EUniWell Student Executive. Please tell us what have been the most memorable experiences for you within EUniWell during the last 2 years.  

My involvement in EUniWell has been an amazing opportunity that I am forever grateful I was able to experience. It is hard to put into words all that I have learned from my time at EUniWell. The memory that sticks out to me the most is the creation of the Mental Health Symposium (MHS), which could not have been possible without the Seed Funding Call and the support of the EUniWell team at Semmelweis University and the partnering universities. It started as a simple idea that I and a few classmates were passionate about, but to see our idea become an actual in-person event was an incredible experience.  

Additionally, I am lucky to have been part of EUniWell from the beginning and to see the growth that has happened over these past few years is inspiring. I have been fortunate to work with passionate students and faculty members from across Europe. This allowed me to gain insight into how different universities, countries, and cultures can all work together to improve well-being across a variety of university campuses. Being a part of EUniWell has taught me many life lessons and allowed me to develop professional and personal friendships that I will cherish for years to come.  

As you know, EUniWell has received funding from the European Commission for a further 4 years. What do you think are the areas in which students should be more engaged in? What are the issues that motivate them the most? And how can they be more involved in the Alliance?  

There has been a significant increase in student involvement within EUniWell from when it first began. However, I always believe student involvement can increase, as it is important to have student opinions and ideas heard regarding matters that will affect them. Therefore, inviting more students to partake in Working Groups and more consistent communication from their university's management team will greatly increase student engagement. From my personal experiences, and talking to various students, it is evident that mental health plays a crucial role and is a very important topic that students are passionate about and are enthusiastic to improve on their campuses. In addition, students are eager to attend in-person events and meet other like-minded students from partner universities.  

What advice would you give to future EUniWell Student Board members?  

Becoming a part of the EUniWell Student Board presents an amazing opportunity for students. Future Student Board members should embrace all the possibilities the role offers, and always speak up confidently, sharing their thoughts and opinions without hesitation. As a representative of their university's student body on a European scale, the role holds significant importance in shaping the university experience for future students. Expressing one’s views is crucial for the betterment of their journey and well-being.   

What are your personal plans for the future?  

I am currently in the process of applying to various dental offices in Hungary, while simultaneously preparing for my Canadian Dental equivalency exams. My ultimate aspiration is to secure a career that merges my passion for enhancing oral health care with a commitment to aiding those in challenging situations and/or underprivileged countries. 

How will you benefit from the knowledge and experience you gained in EUniWell?  

I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience by working with EUniWell. I have found like-minded individuals who are passionate to better the well-being of university campuses across Europe. I have learned to express my ideas and opinions in front of university decision-makers. Furthermore, I've come to recognize the significance of seeking input from individuals with diverse academic and cultural backgrounds. Each person possesses a unique point of view that can offer insights and perspectives that others might not have considered. Lastly, during my time at EUniWell, I encountered a unique set of challenges, distinct from those I faced during my dental degree. Embracing both of these experiences has enabled me to graduate with a well-rounded skill set that will prove valuable in navigating my future career. 

EUniWell would like to thank you for your work and wish you all the best for your future! 


Further information

If you are interested in actively participating in EUniWell, you can find all information about the EUniWell Student Board here.

Read Sloan's first interview from the beginning fo her journey at EUniWell here.  


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