The Seed Funding Programme
The EUniWell Seed Funding Programme aims to promote collaborative, grassroots projects initiated by researchers, students, teachers and administrative staff from our universities.
The scheme supports initiatives which are in line with EUniWell’s core mission: To understand, measure, rebalance and improve the well-being within universities and society as a whole. The Seed Funding Programme contributes to further deepening our mutual bonds and creating innovative ideas to foster well-being, enhance existing collaborations between EUniWell partners, or initiate new ones.
Projects can address EUniWell’s core commitment to advance well-being in health, education, society, institutional transformation, environment, social and gender equality and/or social and cultural diversity and inclusion. Special attention is given to projects that advance one or more of EUniWell’s five Thematic Arenas: Health and Well-Being; Social Equality and Well-Being; Environmental Change and Well-Being; Culture, Multilingualism and Well-Being; Teacher Education and Well-Being.
The Seed Funding Programme is jointly financed by all partner universities of the Alliance and competitive calls for proposals are organised twice a year. Eligible for funding are project proposals that involve collaboration between at least four EUniWell universities. Applicants and participants can be students, researchers, teachers and staff from all EUniWell universities. If the project application is selected, the funding amounts up to €25,000 for a duration of up to 12 months.
Our 7th Seed Funding Call
After six successful editions, EUniWell is now launching a new call for its Seed Funding Programme, which supports collaborations to promote well-being and bring together students, researchers, teachers and administrators from across our Alliance.
The current 7th Seed Funding Call is open between 1 July and 15 September 2024.
The Seed Funding Programme is managed by the University of Cologne on behalf of the EUniWell consortium –