Future teachers from EUniWell network joined pilot course of EUniWell’s Teacher Education Arena at University of Murcia
From 22 to 26 May, a group of 19 EUniWell student teachers participated in the pilot course “Know Yourself, Know your Future”, organised by EUniWell’s Teacher Education Arena at the University of Murcia. The students came from the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom), University of Cologne (Germany), University of Florence (Italy), Linnaeus University (Sweden), Nantes Université (France), University of Murcia (Spain), and Semmelweis University (Hungary).
The Teacher Education Arena (Arena 4) within EUniWell aims to shape and support the education and training of future teachers across Europe. Coordinated by Giovanna del Gobbo from the University of Florence, the pilot event was organised locally by Juan Antonio Solís and Ángela Almela from the University of Murcia. The participating students had the opportunity to learn how to integrate the labour market into the classroom, to guide students towards a meaningful learning experience, to identify their skills, and to engage them in lifelong learning. Throughout the training, the students received supervision from professors from the University of Murcia and support from Primary and Secondary Education teachers. During the event, the participants reflected on the experience and its relevance for their professional development. Additionally, they were placed in eight collaborating schools in the region of Murcia, allowing them to compare different education systems and to reflect on best practices for teaching and learning, with a focus on real-world scenarios.
Overall, the pilot programme at the University of Murcia demonstrated how educators and future teachers can help learners to envision various real-world professional scenarios and to guide them accordingly. The programme emphasised the promotion of self-learning strategies for a professional career, taking into account current challenges and psychological issues, as well as the development of guidance strategies to address professional needs.
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