University of Cologne

The University of Cologne, founded in 1388, is one of the top comprehensive research universities in Germany and a member of the GermanU15 group. Cologne’s students come from 180 countries. Its 6 faculties and 16 cross-faculty research and teaching centres ensure the high reputation of Cologne’s graduates for both research and the wider market. Among our many internationally renowned research units are four Clusters of Excellence on Aging-Associated Diseases, Public Policy and Markets, Plant Sciences and Matter, and Light for Quantum Computing funded within the German Excellence Strategy.

Some highlights:

Facts & Figures

  • Students: 48,200
  • Educators & Staff: 8,900
  • Faculties: 6
  • Interfaculty Research & Teaching Centres: 17

EUniWell responsible persons

Prof. Beatrix Busse

EUniWell Chief Development Officer and Vice-Rector for Teaching and Studies, University of Cologne

University of Cologne

Dr. Ruth Möhlig-Falke

Senior Manager

University of Cologne

Leonie Tillmanns

Mobility Manager (parental leave)

University of Cologne

Dr. Dorothee Groeger

Project Coordinator

University of Cologne

Dr. Anders Heger

Project Coordinator

University of Cologne

Lara Marie Andres

Communications Manager

University of Cologne

Dr. Wiebke Beushausen

EUniWell Grants Manager

University of Cologne