The University of Cologne, founded in 1388, is one of the top comprehensive research universities in Germany and a member of the GermanU15 group. Cologne’s students come from 180 countries. Its 6 faculties and 16 cross-faculty research and teaching centres ensure the high reputation of Cologne’s graduates for both research and the wider market. Among our many internationally renowned research units are four Clusters of Excellence on Aging-Associated Diseases, Public Policy and Markets, Plant Sciences and Matter, and Light for Quantum Computing funded within the German Excellence Strategy.
Some highlights:
- Outstanding research structures in the fields of health and ageing, such as the Cologne Cluster of Excellence on Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-associated Diseases (CECAD), a world-leading research centre that explores the molecular basis of the aging process and age associated diseases, and the Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics and Social Sciences of Health (ceres), a highly interdisciplinary centre that facilitates novel approaches to generate knowledge about health-related issues on a trans-disciplinary, widespread basis.
- The Centre for Teacher Education (Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung, ZfL), an exemplary training structure for future teachers, working together with more than 800 schools in the Rhineland region
- The Global South Studies Center, an interdisciplinary research unit bringing together a wide array of disciplines collaborating with multiple partners from the Global South, furthering understanding of global transitions, networks, inequalities, and aspirations
Facts & Figures
- Students: 48,200
- Educators & Staff: 8,900
- Faculties: 6
- Interfaculty Research & Teaching Centres: 17
EUniWell responsible persons
Prof. Beatrix Busse
EUniWell Chief Development Officer and Vice-Rector for Teaching and Studies, University of Cologne
University of Cologne