Well-Being from an Academic Perspective
14:00-15:00 CET / 01:00-02:00 pm GMT
Live Panel Discussion chaired by Professor Giorgia Giovannetti (Vice-Rector for International Relations, Università degli Studi di Firenze).
The four panelists:
Professor Bea Pászthy, Semmelweis Egyetem (Topic: Health and Well-being)
Associate Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy at Semmelweis University. Bea founded the first Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders Centre in Hungary in 2004. She is Chair of the Hungarian Board of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and President of the National Qualification Board of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Dr Daniel Wheatley, University of Birmingham (Topic: Individual and Social Well-being)
Reader in the Department of Management and Director of Undergraduate Programmes in Birmingham Business School. Daniel is the author of Time Well Spent and editor of the Edward Elgar Handbook of Research Methods on the Quality of Working Lives. His research focuses on workplace well-being including the quality of work, work-life balance and flexible working arrangements.
Professor Ghozlane Fleury, Université de Nantes (Topic: Environment,Urbanity and Well-being)
Professor of Social and environmental psychology. Director of the Pays de la Loire Psychology Laboratory. Ghozlane’s research focuses on the environment and health, and the psychosocial processes involved in the relationship with the environment, such as assessment of place, environmental quality of life, social identity and residential discrimination.
Dr Daniel Alvunger, Linnéuniversitetet (Topic: Teacher Education)
Dean for the Board of Teacher Education and a teacher and researcher in Education at Linnaeus University. Daniel is associate editor of The Curriculum Journal (run by the British Educational Research Association), Member of the European Educational Research Association, and in the General Council Committee for the European Association of Curriculum Studies. His research focuses on Education policy and curriculum making as social practice, the knowledge base and organisation of teacher education and Leadership Theory in school development.