The picture shows three people talking behind a window with several Post-it notes attached.

Well-Being Research Incubator

as part of EUniWell #Research

EUniWell Well-Being Research Incubator Programme

In 2022, EUniWell introduced a new initiative to promote collaboration in well-being research: the Well-Being Research Incubator Programme.

The Well-Being Research Incubator gives researchers access to our established, well-connected European alliance of universities and partners from the public, private and third sectors. Through collaborative workshops, it offers opportunities to: learn about research activity taking place across Europe; make connections and build a network of peers; identify common interests, synergies and potential for collaboration.

A follow-on funding scheme is available for researchers who have run a workshop to implement small-scale projects which test out and scope ideas for larger-scale funding bids in the future.

Discover the projects of the Well-Being Research Incubator calls:

Projects of the first call               Projects of the second call                Projects of the third call 


The Well-Being Research Incubator Programme is managed by the University of Birmingham on behalf of the EUniWell consortium.

If you have any questions about the workshops or projects, please contact us at: euniwell-incubator[at]

We have developed a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document and would ask that you consult this before contacting us.

The EUniWell team at your own university will also be ready to help you:

Further information

The Well-Being Research Incubator is developed under the umbrella of the EUniWell #Research project as part of the H2020 programme under the Science with and for Society (SwafS) call.

The selected projects receive funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101035821.