Two people in a science lab, looking at a tablet and smiling.

EUniWell #Research

funded by the H2020 programme

EUniWell #Research 

Welcome to EUniWell’s dynamic initiative, dedicated to advancing the well-being research agenda, supporting researchers’ career development and developing a culture of Open Science within our Alliance.

#Research Conference: Paving The Future

Join the EUniWell #Research Conference on 18 September 2024 at Semmelweis University in Budapest or online. Find out more and register now!

Objectives and Milestones

Explore the key goals and milestones of the EUniWell #Research Programme:

EUniWell Research & Innovation Strategy

EUniWell is committed to building a common Research & Innovation (R&I) Strategic Framework aligned with the vision of the European Research Area (ERA). This framework fosters the development of an Alliance-wide research ecosystem to address Europe’s well-being challenges. 

Under the EUniWell #Research Programme, we set up the conditions for a coordinated EUniWell research agenda and a common EUniWell Research & Innovation Strategy, based on adequate and complete documentation of our member universities’ landscape of research activities, processes, networks and infrastructures.

Well-Being Research Incubator

The Well-Being Research Incubator aims to encourage collaboration between researchers from a number of EUniWell institutions and a variety of disciplines. Through online workshops and small-scale projects, it catalyses joint inter- and transdisciplinary research.

Explore research activities taking place across Europe, build a network of peers, and identify common interests, synergies and potential research collaborations.

Further information about the Programme:

Culture of Open Science 

Research results and data must be made available as widely as possible to penetrate society, economy and politics. Beyond the development of infrastructure which enables the sharing of data and results, this culture of Open Science also depends on the capacity for researchers to communicate their research results broadly, beyond their peers, to a non-specialist public. 

The EUniWell #Research Project:

  • Accelerates the digital and green transition and the implementation of Open Science approaches through FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) data, digital methods and infrastructure sharing;
  • Provides specific training modules to EUniWell researchers as part of its Science-Transfer concept to enable the outreach of research results beyond academic audiences.

Downloadable documents:

Online training modules:

  • Research Data Management training (in February, April, May 2024)
  • Workshop on Data Stewardship (planned in summer 2024)
  • Workshop on FAIRification (planned in summer 2024)
  • FAIR Data Training Knowledge Base (planned in summer 2024)

EUniWell Research Training Academy 

Empowering researchers with skills, careers and leadership development, the EUniWell Research Training Academy centralises Alliance-wide training offers. In response to the challenge-focused and impact-orientated transformation of research, EUniWell is dedicated to equipping researchers with new skill sets, and opening diverse career pathways, which extend beyond the publication and citation track records of contemporary research careers.

Additionally, we develop the EUniWell Skills Taxonomy Study, identifying and defining essential well-being skills. This study guides the prioritisation of specific activities and training offers within  the Research Training Academy.

Downloadable documents:

Further information about the Academy:


If you have any questions about EUniWell #Research, please contact us:

Further information

EUniWell #Research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101035821.