How Does Your Research Relate to the Topic of Well-Being?
16:00 CET / 03:00 pm GMT
7 Young Researchers Give Answers from Their Perspectives
Please join us in our Open Meeting Room on Research on Well-Being between 16:30 to 17:30 CET / 3:30 to 4:30 pm GBT.
Well-Being in the Context of International Law
Pitch Video by Svenja Raube and Mehrnusch Anssari
PhD researchers at the Institute for International Peace and Security Law, University of Cologne
Contact: sraube1[at]uni-koeln.de
This video aims at illustrating how public international law has an impact on the well-being of both the individual and the international society as a whole. In our interdependent world, the international legal order provides a platform of cooperation to deal with global issues such as the current global pandemic. Overall, since the creation of the United Nations, public international law has evolved as a source solely State-centered towards a source inclusive of responsibilities for individuals and common goods of mankind. This development has led to new controversies in international law including international peace and security law, which is an important research area of the Institute for International Peace and Security Law at the University of Cologne. Indeed, the way we interpret the prohibition on the use of force and its exceptions has a direct and profound impact on human life as well as international peace, more generally. Should states thus desist from the use of force, under any circumstances? If there are exceptions, where do we draw the lines? Could it even be that the international community has a responsibility to intervene for humanitarian reasons? If so, how can we find an adequate balance between the relevant considerations of well-being?
Understanding self-harm and suicide within LGBTQ+ young people
Pitch Video by A. Jess Williams
ESRC PhD student; Research Associate
Contact: A.Williams.10@pgr.bham.ac.uk
Twitter: @ajesswilliams
Self-harm and suicide rates are incredibly high within LGBTQ+ young people, with these individuals at higher risk of experiencing mental health problems. These are often related to minority stressors, wherein an LGBTQ+ individual will experience adverse thoughts, emotions, and experiences relating to their identity as a sexual or gender minority. Within this PhD, this has been explored by understanding the risks for LGBTQ+ young people with experiences of self-harm and suicide through meta-analysis, and exploring the causes and context of self-harm and suicide through qualitative interviews of what this population. These studies demonstrate that often these young people have lower feelings of wellbeing and highly distressful experiences. Upcoming research will be the first to consider whether experience sampling methodology (ESM) is acceptable and feasible to effectively use with this population. Such that future studies can use ESM to gain a better understanding of LGBTQ+ day-to-day wellbeing and what influences this across short time periods.
How to Reduce Unequal Health Care
Pitch Video by Olof Björneld, Linnaeus University
Every second, millions of health data registrations are collected and stored without any secondary use; at the same time the utilization of new proven knowledge in healthcare is very low. Empowered by the latest AI-technique I want to reuse health data to boost this utilization and by that reduce unequal healthcare.
Contact: olle.bjorneld[at]regionkalmar.se
Department: Region Kalmar County
Discipline: eHealth / Computer science
Bio: https://lnu.se/en/staff/olle.bjorneld/
Studying Psychological Well-Being in the Family Context
Pitch Video by Loes Janssen and Marie-Louise Kullberg
Department of Clinical Psychology at Leiden University
Contact: l.h.c.janssen[at]fsw.leidenuniv.nl
Possibilities of mental health promotion in medical education
The role of dissection room experiences in medical professionalization
Pitch video by Imola Sándor
Semmelweis University
Clinical Psychologist, Leader of Student Counselling Service, Graduating Ph.D. Student
Understanding the Gender Employment Gap
Pitch video by Arianna Vivoli
PhD student, Department of Economics
University of Florence
Chadia Ed Driouch, PhD Student at Université de Nantes is interviewed by Her Supervisor Dr Pierre-Antoine Gourraud.
Laboratory of Digital Sciences, Research Centre of Transplant and Immunology, University of Nantes