EUniWell Ukrainian Fellowship
As part of the EUniWell response to the ongoing war in Ukraine, EUniWell Partner institutions are making available EUniWell Ukrainian Fellowships to Ukrainian academics and researchers displaced in recent months. Because circumstances may vary dramatically, those Fellowships are designed to be flexible and responsive to rapidly changing conditions.
These EUniWell Ukrainian Fellowships are available only to academics and researchers (postdoctoral level and higher) affiliated with the EUniWell institution Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU). The terms of the Fellowship are to be determined in consultation with the EUniWell host institution, and are at the discretion of the host institution based upon available capacity and resources. The Fellowship period should not be of unlimited duration.
Before applying for the EUniWell Ukrainian Fellowship, interested Ukrainian academics and researchers should contact a potential collaborator at one or more of the EUniWell institutions to identify a potential collaborative project. It is the responsibility of the Ukrainian academic/researcher to identify potential collaborators. The collaborator must be employed as a full-time academic staff member at the proposed EUniWell host institution.
Once a potential collaborator, institution and project has been identified, Ukrainian academics and researchers affiliated with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU) are invited to complete the EUniWell Ukrainian Fellowship Application Form found here.
EUniWell will consider all applications in a timely manner and respond as soon as possible. There is no fixed application deadline. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.
Further resources:
Beyond the EUniWell Ukrainian Fellowships, EUniWell universities offer further resources for Ukrainian students, staff and researchers. Additional details can be found at the following websites:
- University of Birmingham: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/international/students/country/ukraine/index.aspx
- University of Cologne: https://portal.uni-koeln.de/international/uzk-weltweit/solidaritaet-mit-der-ukraine
- University of Florence: https://www.unifi.it/p12165
- University of Konstanz: https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/university/news-and-media/topics-of-focus/solidarity-with-ukraine/
- Linnaeus University: https://lnu.se/en/meet-linnaeus-university/collaborate-with-us/international-collaboration/the-european-university-for-well-being/#Fellowship
- University of Murcia: https://www.um.es/en/web/oficinasocial/
- Nantes Université: https://www.univ-nantes.fr/etudier-se-former/incoming-students-venir-etudier-a-nantes/accueil-des-etudiants-dukraine
- University of Santiago de Compostela: https://www.usc.gal/en/node/43252
- Semmelweis University: https://semmelweis.hu/english/2022/03/ukrainian-crisis-we-help-medical-students-offer-jobs-and-emergency-care/