EUniWell Quality Culture Arena: Advancing quality assurance in EUniWell educational offers
On 19 and 20 September 2023 EUniWell’s Quality Culture Arena convened colleagues and experts at the University of Cologne for an interactive workshop on quality assurance in EUniWell’s educational offers. The aim was to share (best) practices and elaborate on ideas for a EUniWell quality assurance toolkit, with a particular focus on two critical fields of quality assurance: courses leading to Micro-credentials and joint degree programmes. These types of offers are both currently being developed or have recently been introduced and are part of the Alliance’s work agenda in the upcoming years.
The workshop brought together the members of the Quality Culture Arena along with students and experts from across the Alliance as well as external speakers. Professor Beatrix Busse, EUniWell’s Chief Development Officer and Vice-Rector for Teaching and Studies at the University of Cologne, welcomed the participants and emphasised the importance of such meetings: “Our Arenas, such as the Quality Culture Arena, embody the co-creational spirit of EUniWell and reflect our mission and vision of transformation in higher education and society”.
Following her opening remarks on EUniWell’s vision and mission, the programme featured interactive sessions and presentations by various speakers. Patrick van den Bosch, a board member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), provided an overview of the upcoming recommendations by ENQA on quality assurance in Micro-credentials. Professor Giovanna del Gobbo from the University of Florence reflected on her experience of delivering a successful EUniWell Micro-credential course. Lastly, Andrius Uzdanavicius, Chair of the ARQUS Quality Learning Board, shared the challenges of developing and implementing joint degree programmes within their alliance.
The discussion sparked a multitude of ideas on how to tackle the challenges of quality assurance within a European University Alliance. Professor Giampaolo Manfrida, an Arena member from the University of Florence, aptly concluded at the end of the day: “Challenges are well-known. However, we will not focus on challenges, but on the opportunities which are provided by EUniWell as a European University Alliance to offer innovative educational programmes”.
Further information
For further information on the Quality Culture Arena, contact Dorothee Groeger: dorothee.groeger[at]
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