EUniWell research incubator: First round of workshops announced
EUniWell has an ambitious vision and mission: to improve European citizens’ quality of life by generating new knowledge and delivering research-based policy. On a practical level, this means enabling researchers from across our Alliance to identify and pursue opportunities for collaboration on relevant, topical well-being issues.
In September 2022, EUniWell launched the Well-Being Research Incubator to support this mission. The concept behind the incubator is to encourage collaboration between researchers from a number of EUniWell institutions and a variety of disciplines through online workshops and small-scale projects.
The first round of workshops supported by this initiative has now been selected. Fourteen workshops, all related to the EUniWell core themes of health, individual and social well-being, the environment and education, will take place during January and February 2023. The workshops cover a wide range of topics, from artificial intelligence to the human microbiome; conservation to students’ mental health (see below for a full list).
All will involve at least three EUniWell partners, with some bringing together up to eight different institutions. Many of these workshops will be the starting point for brand-new partnerships, while others build on previous successful collaborations.
The applications were reviewed by an academic panel, including the Managing Director of EUniWell, Graham Harrison, and a EUniWell student representative. Graham said, “The EUniWell Research Incubator is one of the EUniWell initiatives designed to support bottom-up ideas generated by researchers at our Partner institutions. These workshops are a first step in building future collaborations, and I am excited about the breadth of topics that will be supported across the Alliance.”
The second call for workshops is now open and researchers are again invited to submit proposals to run online collaborative workshops on topics relating to EUniWell’s four research arenas. The workshops may take a number of forms, such as a networking event, strategic planning for established collaborations or the presentation of new topics which may lead to new partnerships. For more information please visit this link.
Researchers from at least three partner institutions from the EUniWell Alliance should be involved, and there should be a focus on research (rather than teaching, or other aspects of higher education provision).
From May 2023, workshop participants will be able to submit project ideas to the follow-on funding scheme. This will offer grants of up to €10,000 or up to €25,000 for small-scale projects which test out and scope ideas for larger-scale well-being research projects in the future.
Workshops which are open to participants will be advertised on our events page. If you are interested in any of those listed below, or would like to find out further information about the well-being incubator initiative, please contact Jo Hawley-Woodall at the University of Birmingham: s.hawley-woodall[@]
- Climate Change and Mental Health
- Realizing sustainable conditions for teacher well-being
- Sea level rise and societal adaptation to climate change
- Photoredox catalysis - exploring new avenues for the chemical use of sunlight
- Reshape Living Environments for the Elderly (RELIFE)
- University Students, depression and suicide
- Cosmopolitanism from Below: Engaged Ethics in Diverse Urban Settings
- Across Nature and Culture: cultural-natural conservation issues
- The impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare and Education
- Interkingdom interactions in microbiomes linked to human health
- Learning to promote and maintain well-being during work and academic study
- University for the Well-being of older people.
- What’s for lunch? Eliciting preferences for food on university campus
- Digital well-being: the risks and opportunities of digital media
Further information:
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