Preparing for EUniWell Digital University
In preparation for the EUniWell Digital University, the EUniWell Information Technology Working Group had a two-day long, hybrid format meeting, held on 15 and 16 June 2023 at Semmelweis University in Budapest. Experts and representatives from the Universities of Murcia and Nantes (as the leaders of the new work package), Birmingham, Cologne, Konstanz and Semmelweis participated in the meeting.
During the meeting, Graham Harrison, Managing Director of the EUniWell Alliance, specifically highlighted that the Alliance has allocated half a million euros in its budget for the development of the common infrastructure for the next four years, and it is the largest thematic budget in the entire second phase. This will include the coherent implementation and deployment of existing and new digital infrastructures, EUniWell's common educational platforms, the EUniWell shared collaboration tools, digital services, and the deployment and management of hybrid classrooms.
The restructured IT team will be responsible for implementing the IT roadmap for the second phase of EUniWell. As a result of a series of preparatory meetings held in the spring, the group has proposed concrete solutions for the EUniWell single digital identity, for a GDPR-compliant, open-source solution, for the EUniWell Open Education Resource, and for a preparatory of the concept of a research network platform. The overall aim is to implement a centralised and interconnected EUniWell Learning Management System (LMS) in which all new courses are stored and made available, with the new courses being stored by the originating university in its own system, and these systems can communicate freely with each other.
Participants also enjoyed the cultural and gastronomic delights of Budapest during the two days. They got a glimpse into the life of Semmelweis University and learned about the significance of Ignác Semmelweis' work.