EUniWell Symposium: Good Practices on Student Well-Being
30/09/2021 to 01/10/2021
This knowledge exchange will enable the attending students, support staff and researchers to improve existing university programmes and create new ones, possibly in partnership with the local community. You will also have the opportunity to network and connect with people with whom you can further develop your ideas after the symposium. Let’s come together and continue to raise awareness of student well-being. We look forward to seeing you there!
Both participation and registration take place via the event application GroundControl (FAQ below). The platform is available as web client and/or app and will be used before, during and after the symposium. After you have registered, you’ll receive an email from to install the EUniWell Symposium app by Ground Control. The Symposium itself takes place on, in your web browser, which you can access with your email address and pin-code from the registration email. Please check your inbox.
To begin the registration process, click here.
It is perfectly possible to join in on just one day, but to experience the full programme we recommend joining us on both days.
Over two days, expert speakers will present their good practices and answer questions in panel discussions. These good practices will include courses, e-health modules, support services, research and much more. You can find the full programme below.
Thursday 30 September
- 13:45 - Walk-in
- 14:00 - Interview about EUniWell
- 14:15 - Panel sessions
- 15:30 - Break
- 15:40 - Summary of panel sessions with moderators
- 16:00 - Network opportunity
- 16:30 - End of day 1
Friday 1 October
- 13:45 - Walk-in
- 14:00 - Panel sessions
- 15:15 - Break
- 15:30 - Summary of panel sessions with moderators
- 16:00 - Network opportunity
- 16:30 - End of day 2
Find more information about the programme below.
Before the symposium, you will be invited to install an interactive app on your phone so that you can receive information on the speakers, student well-being and EUniWell, prior to the event. The symposium itself can be viewed in a web browser. It will also be possible to stay in touch with other visitors after the event.
After you have registered, you’ll receive an email from to install the EUniWell Symposium app by Ground Control. The Symposium itself takes place on, in your web browser, which you can access with your email address and pin-code from the registration email. Please check your inbox.
FAQ about the online platform
Where can I sign up?
You can sign up here: After signing up, we will automatically send you a pincode by email (can take a bit).
I don’t have any login credentials for the app
If you have already signed up, but did not receive your pin code, please contact
I have problems logging into the app, or with the app in general.
Please send a message to
Where will the symposium itself be held?
The symposium will be held at You can log in with your email address and pin.
The symposium is organised in collaboration with Semmelweis University. Read more about the organisation in this interview.
Contact persons for organisational questions:
Mirella Imthorn: +31638003622 and Jasper Bitter +31 71 527 3332
Contact information: symposiumstudentwellbeing[at]
Speakers and moderators
For full abstracts of the presentations and more information about the speakers, you can register for the symposium and view the programme in the EUniWell Symposium app by Ground Control.
Thursday 30 September, 14.15 – 15.30 (CEST)
Panel 1: Well-being as part of the curriculum
Issues of cultural differences, values and death image among medical students
Agnes Zana, Semmelweis University
Williams LifeSkills® programme for students
Adrienne Stauder, Semmelweis University
Mentoring Programme at Semmelweis University
András Végh, Márk Jámbor, Zsuzsanna Győrffy, Semmelweis University
Panel 2: Student Support
POPcorner: Talent is what you make of it!
L’Aurora Mazzitelli, Leiden University
Supporting Computer Science Bachelor's and Master's students through mentoring, individual coaching, and intervision groups offered by student coaches
Alexandra Blank, Anna van der Meulen, Leiden University
Comprehensive student support strategy at Semmelweis University
György Purebl, Semmelweis University
The Humanities Buddy Programme
Bob van der Horst, Leiden University
Panel 3: Research and tools
Psychological well-being of Florence university students during the Covid-19 pandemic
Fiammetta Cosci, University of Florence
WARN-D: Forecasting Depression Onset in Students to Facilitate Prevention
Carlotta Rieble & Ricarda Proppert, Leiden University
Moodpep: self-help programme for young adults with feelings of depression
Nadia Garnefski and Vivian Kraaij, Leiden University
The Mental Health Symposium: exploring and enhancing mental health initiatives and resources
Sloan Kudrinko, Semmelweis University
Panel 4: Projects for well-being
Do it for yourself, make it yourself!
Pierre Malige, University of Nantes
A student's initiative on well-being: The Mindfulnest
Pim van den Bos, University of Amsterdam
Taskforce on Student Well-being at Leiden University’s medical faculty
Yvonne van der Bent and Jolanda Mol, Leiden University
Friday 1 October, 14.00 – 15.15 (CEST)
Panel 1: Scientific research on well-being
Monitoring and improving student mental health: the Caring Universities project
Sanne van Luenen, Leiden University
Understanding the Significance of Students’ Learning Orientations for the Well-being and Scholastic Success
Giulia Vettori, University of Florence
The quality of living for students' well-being
Claudio Piferi, University of Florence
The quality of spaces related to well-being
Jules Pierret and Barthélémy Jannot, University of Nantes
Panel 2: Engaging students in well-being
Student Support Groups: the power of connecting
Rosalinde Spitters, Leiden University
Breaking patterns together: healing our inherited traumas
Dardan Bastiaan, Leiden University
Chill Your Mind: A student mindfulness initiative
Yentl Croese, Julia Hondema, Sara Hondmann, & Sanne Wolthuis, Leiden University
Reflections on the Honours Class Innovation Health and Wellbeing
Sjoerd Louwaars, Leiden University
Panel 3: Well-being in specific subjects
The role of student counselling service in medical education
Imola Sándor, Semmelweis University
Humania Socialisation Workshops at Semmelweis University
Dr Piroska Balog, Semmelweis
Measuring student well-being when conducting archaeological research
M.H. van den Dries, Leiden University
Additional programme information
Issues of cultural differences, values and death image among medical students
Agnes Zana, Semmelweis University
The Death, Culture, Medical Anthropology course sensitises students to understanding cultural differences and the causes behind these differences, and teaches them about the taboo of death in Western-type societies. The course also includes personal experience groups, a Death Café, and animal-assisted therapy practice.
Williams LifeSkills® programme for students
Adrienne Stauder, Semmelweis University
Williams LifeSkills® (WLS) psychosocial skills programme is a small group training addressing the high stress load students often face. Psychoeducation and practising the skills helps to improve the participants’ stress management and communication skills. The modules include the management of negative emotions, short relaxation techniques, assertive communication and conflict-solving exercises, as well as the development of empathy and positive thinking in order to improve relationships and self-efficacy.
Reflections on the Honours Class Innovation Health and Wellbeing
Sjoerd Louwaars, Leiden University
The PLNT supports challenge-based learning: an action-oriented, interdisciplinary and team-based approach to teaching and learning. It facilitates students to engage, learn and reflect on real Well-being Challenges and make an impact on the region . Participants go through all stages of an innovation trajectory and acquire the necessary skills to start entrepreneurial activities in wellbeing.
Art of Learning Course - Alternative Ways for Teaching and Learning
Dr János Kollár, Semmelweis University
The programme focuses on five fields: Creativity improvement, Learning methods (mnemotechnics), Lecturing methods (basic principles and modern technology of teaching), the Application of Social Media (World Wide Web) in teaching, and Relaxation. In 20 hours, teachers and students learn how to teach or study at a higher level of quality. This has already proved to be successful at universities in Hungary, at Malta University and at Turku University (Finland).
Monitoring and improving student mental health: the Caring Universities project
Sanne van Luenen, Leiden University
Caring Universities (CU) is an internationally embedded consortium of 4 Dutch universities that aims to monitor and improve student mental health. Students receive mental health surveys annually and are offered free online, guided programmes focused on reducing stress, improving mood, reducing procrastination and dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Results have shown that students have found this a useful and effective programme, and they report a decrease in symptoms upon completion of the programmes.
WARN-D: Forecasting Depression Onset in Students to Facilitate Prevention
Carlotta Rieble & Ricarda Proppert, Leiden University
As treatment efficacy for mental health problems such as depression remains disappointing, experts agree that focusing on prevention is crucial. We aim to develop a personalised early warning system, WARN-D, that forecasts depression reliably before it occurs. To do so, the WARN-D study will prospectively follow the daily lives of 2,000 students, starting October 2021, through brief daily questionnaires with activity tracking via smartwatches.
Understanding the Significance of Students’ Learning Orientations for the Well-being and Scholastic Success
Giulia Vettori, University of Florence
Study difficulties and early school leaving are crucial indicators of the efficiency of educational institutions and the well-being of students and teachers. This presentation will address the line of studies and related findings on the influence that students’ learning orientations exert on students’ well-being and scholastic success.
The quality of living for students' wellbeing
Claudio Piferi, University of Florence
This session will provide you with information on data and studies on improving the quality of university students’ residency. In Italy, law no. 338/2000 entitled ‘’Provision on housing and residences for university students’’ aims to remedy the lack of legislation and increase the available accommodations and residences for university students. Since the enactment of the law, a research group in the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, part of the TESIS centre, represents the privileged observatory of the interventions that have been carried out as a result of this law.
Psychological wellbeing of Florence university students during the Covid-19 pandemic
Fiammetta Cosci, University of Florence
Living in a pandemic, which also implies social distancing, can be detrimental for the psychological well-being of students. The factors that influence wellbeing and their effect will be illustrated with an interactive activity based on data collected during the 2020 lockdown period via an online survey offered to university students in Florence (n = 951).
Student Support Groups
Rosalinde Spitters, Leiden University
The online ‘Student Support Groups’ provide a sustainable support network in challenging times of isolation, loneliness, and anxiety. The support groups consist of approximately 6 students and are hosted weekly by an experienced staff member or trained student assistant. During the sessions, participants discuss how everyone is doing, set personal well-being goals and support one another in the process of personal development.
Underneath our fault lines: recommendations for peer2peer support
Dardan Bastiaan, Leiden University
This presentation follows a supportive group of students exploring the practice of meditation together as well as the efforts of the organisers to improve the well-being of students through action research. Though many students report having mental health problems, experience shows that it is difficult to draw students to well-being programmes; many students only take part after problems have escalated to such a degree that they are much more difficult to manage. In understanding this issue, contrary to a biochemical approach to well-being, we focus on adverse childhood experiences and attachment conditioning that could lead to unconscious self-sabotage and dysfunctional behaviour later in life.
Student-driven approaches to wellbeing
Daniek Bosch, Leiden University
The Centre for Innovation stimulates student-driven initiatives on the topic of well-being. In this presentation, students will showcase their initiatives such as a student-hosted mindfulness podcast, an app around mindfulness for sceptics and a well-being reflection workbook.
The Humanities Buddy Programme: A home away from home
Aurelie van't Slot, Leiden University
The Humanities Buddy Programme (HBP) pairs groups of new international students with senior students (buddies) who familiarise them with the Faculty, University and student life in Leiden or The Hague. The programme has proven very successful in supporting successful study completion and providing peer-to-peer support. Join this session to find out more about the Humanities Buddy Programme.
Mentoring Programme at Semmelweis University
András Végh, Márk Jámbor, Zsuzsanna Győrffy, Semmelweis University
University can be a major source of stress for students. The Mentoring Programme at Semmelweis University aims to introduce first-year students to university life and provide practical, everyday advice throughout the first year of their studies, while also emphasising the importance of extracurricular activities and promoting students’ well-being. Join this session to find out more about the Mentoring Programme at Semmelweis University.
Comprehensive student support strategy at Semmelweis University
György Purebl, Semmelweis University
In order to cater to the needs of students of generation Z, a comprehensive student support programme was developed at Semmelweis University that incorporates peer support, and the availability of online and in-person psychological counselling, as well as skills training programmes. These activities help students to achieve better stress- and conflict-management skills, psychological resilience and increased self-awareness and so reduce the risk of future psychological problems and mental disorders.
POPcorner: Talent is what you make of it!
Gianelle Vacca, Leiden University
The POPcorner functions as an accessible study support group where students develop skills that enhance study success and create a sense of belonging through different activities. The target group is students who, due to their background or other reasons, find it difficult to connect with their study programme and/or fellow students. Join this session to find out more about the POPcorner and what it has to offer.
Supporting Computer Science Bachelor's and Master's students
Alexandra Blank, Anna van der Meulen, Leiden University
The speakers provide tailored support to students at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science. The motivation for employing two coaches at LIACS was the awareness that students need different support in times of Covid-19 when “studying as students were used to” was restricted. The flexible approach includes such practices as coordination of student-to-student mentoring, the setting up of intervision groups for specific target populations (e.g. students with ADHD, students working on their thesis), and individual coaching, and has been shown to be successful in improving well-being.
Measuring student well-being when conducting archaeological research
M.H. van den Dries, Leiden University
Engaging in archaeological activities as a volunteer activity or as entertainment is considered to contribute to the positive well-being of participants. Due to the corona pandemic, the question arose of whether university students conducting archaeological fieldwork as part of their university training also experienced positive well-being effects. In 2021 this was studied for the first time among students who had been restricted in their fieldwork activities for over a year due to the corona pandemic; the students indicated their emotions during four moments in the course of fieldwork and subsequent work in the lab.
The role of student counselling service in medical education
Imola Sándor, Semmelweis University
Medical education can be very challenging for students. The amount of material they need to learn, exam stress, and time pressure, as well as the burden of responsibilities and experience with traumatic situations, can be emotionally overwhelming. In this presentation you will be introduced to the student counselling service of Semmelweis University and the suggestions based on their experiences for further improvement of the medical curriculum for better health among future health professionals.
Humania Socialisation Workshops at Semmelweis University
Dr Piroska Balog, Semmelweis University
Humania Socialisation Workshop is an elective course at Semmelweis University for medical and dental students. It combines the methodologies of different skill development trainings, socialisation programmes and clinical case discussion groups using the Bálint approach. Students engage in self-awareness, personality development and soft skills group activities. Join this session to find out more about the Humania Socialisation Workshops.
Student well-being at Leiden University’s medical faculty
Yvonne Bent, Leiden University
From 2019, the taskforce on student well-being at the medical faculty of Leiden University assessed existing interventions aimed at increasing student well-being and identified bottlenecks. In the near future, Leiden University aims to further improve student well-being by supporting and ensuring implementation of new interventions and increasing the visibility and accessibility of support. Join this session to learn more about these new interventions.
Moodpep: self-help programme for students with feelings of depression
Nadia Garnefski and Vivian Kraaij, Leiden University
Although there is a high prevalence of mental health problems in young adults, the barriers to seeking help are high, including stigma, high costs and time issues. Moodpep was developed in 2019 as a guided online self-help programme for young adults (18+) with depressive symptoms, and has been shown to reduce symptoms with large effect sizes. It is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and includes 8 lessons and 4 themes: activation, relaxation, changing negative cognitions, and goal attainment.
ACCESS Tertre: quality of spaces and well-being of campus users
Jules Pierret and Barthélémy Jannot, University of Nantes
Five geography students from the University of Nantes (UN) are carrying out a territorial diagnosis entitled ‘’Quality of spaces and well-being of UN students: the Tertre campus as an experimental field. What avenues should be explored to promote the well-being of campus users through more inclusive educational spaces?’’ Find out more about this study by joining this session.
The Mental Health Symposium: exploring and enhancing mental health initiatives and resources
Sloan Kudrinko, Semmelweis University
The purpose of the Mental Health Symposium is to emphasise the importance of mental health and awareness amongst the EUniWell communities (staff, students, and teachers alike). At this symposium, you can both learn new ideas and exchange existing ideas on how mental health is addressed in the respective universities. Through interactive activities and discussion groups with guest speakers in the field of psychiatry, physical exercise/nutrition and time management, new ideas and initiatives can be taken back to the respective universities to enhance the mental health and well-being programmes.
Do it for yourself, make it yourself!
Pierre Malige, University of Nantes
The FabLab of the University Institute of Technology of Nantes, named “The Créatelier”, brings together professors and students to share often simple but sometimes seemingly crazy projects. In their free time, passionate and creative students find the opportunity to develop personal projects and bring their ideas to life without being restricted by the technical constraints of heavy industrial machines. The students help and encourage one another to interact and make the space their home.
Learn to be in balance: focus on non-academic but equally important life skills
Pim van den Bos, University of Amsterdam
Law student Pim van den Bos faced adversity during his student life. As a result, he came to see how a change in the university’s study environment could have helped him, and perhaps many others. Through the creation of ‘The Mindfulnest’ he provides moments of calm, to achieve his bigger mission to empower students to connect with themselves. In collaboration with the University of Maastricht, he recently launched a pilot among their students. During this presentation Pim will briefly share his journey, vision and findings on his initiative and student well-being.