Hybrid EUniWell Conference: Managing Sensitive Topics in Teaching and Research Confidently (MASTERY)
EUniWell Conference: Managing Sensitive Topics in Teaching and Research Confidently (MASTERY)
24 February 2023:
- 10:00 CET / 9:00 GMT: Arrival and Coffee
- 10:15 CET / 9:15 GMT:Welcome from Organisers
- 10:30 CET / 9:30 GMT: Panel 1
- Stephanie Ng (Hong Kong):
Part of the picture: considering researcher wellbeing in studies of mental health issues [online presentation] - Joanne McCuaig (Birmingham):
A Self-Identification Trauma Map for Researchers and Students Working with Sensitive Topics - Dr Sophie Hatchwell (Birmingham):
Using Co-authored Learning Agreements to teach challenging subject matter
- Stephanie Ng (Hong Kong):
- 12:00 CET / 11:00 GMT: Coffee break
- 12:15 CET / 11:15 GMT:Keynote by Prof Stefan Wolff (Birmingham)
- 13:00 CET / 12:00 GMT:Lunch
- 13:45 CET / 12:45 GMT:Panel 2
- Dr Antonio Raimondo Di Grigoli (Florence):
Education and support for academic scholars on non-normative sexuality issues - Sophie Eyssette (Rome):
Taboo Language and Incest in the Media: Epistemological Risks of not Breaking Taboos in Research - Abby Gilsenan (Birmingham):
Researching Young People and Sex – Moving from Safe to Sensitive Topics
- Dr Antonio Raimondo Di Grigoli (Florence):
- 15:15 CET / 14:15 GMT:Coffee break
- 15:30 CET / 14:30 GMT:Panel 3
- Amarachi Emeruwa (Birmingham):
One with the Ugliness - Vicarious Trauma and the Qualitative Researcher - Dr Elliot Evans (Birmingham):
Promoting Consent on Campus [online] - Jonathan Davis (Birmingham):
Masculinity and sensitive topics
- Amarachi Emeruwa (Birmingham):
17:00 CET / 16:00 GMT: Conference ends
Further information
To participate online, register on our Eventbrite page.
On-site location: University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Campus, 12th floor, Muirhead Tower
This conference is funded under the EUniWell Seed Funding Programme as part of the project "MASTERY - Managing Sensitive Topics in Teaching and Research Confidently".
Dr. Katharina Karcher: K.Karcher[at]bham.ac.uk