Upcoming Exciting Joint Live Event by Cologne and Birmingham in Digital Space


On Thursday, 21 May, from 5 – 6 p.m. (CET) Prof. Dr. Beatrix Busse, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Studies at the University of Cologne, will host a panel discussion as part of the ICAME 41 Heidelberg Digital Conference. From the University of Birmingham, she will be joined by Prof. Dr. Michaela Mahlberg, who leads the Birmingham Centre for Corpus Research and is the Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer for the College of Arts and Law.

Prof. Dr. Beatrix Busse and Prof. Dr. Michaela Mahlberg

The panel discussion has the topic “At the Tipping Point: To Be (Public) or Not To Be (Public) in Corpus Linguistics” and will be openly livestreamed on YouTube. It is part of the ICAME 41 Heidelberg Digital Conference organized by Beatrix Busse from 20 to 23 May fully digitally.

Further panel speakers in this stimulating live event are Celeste Rodriguez Louro, Senior Lecturer and Australian Research Council Fellow at The University of Western Australia, co-founder of the initiative for Sustainable Linguistics and organizer of ‘Understanding Language’ – a professional development event that seeks to raise awareness of linguistic diversity in the school/classroom setting – as well as Ina Schlie, Senior Executive and Supervisory Board Member for Digital Transformation and Finance, co-founder of the start-up nextexitfuture GmbH and lecturer in Business Administration at the Ludwig-Maximillians University in Munich. These four expert women leaders will discuss issues of knowledge transfer and collaboration opportunities between academia, corporations and the public as well as the societal impact of (corpus) linguistics.

The panel discussion may be openly watched under the following link:

