EUniWell events for early career researchers
PhD Scientific Days Conference
The Doctoral School of Semmelweis University organises a PhD Scientific Days Conference every year, where the PhD students can practise their ability to present research results during a conference. Prof. Mikós Kellermayer, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and EUniWell Project Leader at Semmelweis University, opened this year’s conference. In his speech he encouraged the participants “not to be afraid of making mistakes, to keep their eyes open and to be humble in everything but their goals, because this is where original ideas are born”.
The conference sections covered several topics, such as Clinical Medicine, Health Sciences, Mental Sciences, Molecular Sciences, Neurosciences, Pathology and Oncology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Theoretical and Translational Medicine.
A PhD student from the University of Birmingham, Rebecca Bedford, presented one of the section-winning presentations: “A link to the future! Linkers to increase potency of Ru(II) piano-stool complexes”.
EUniWell Early Career Researcher Talent Hub Workshop
As part of the EUniWell Research Training Academy under EUniWell’s SwafS support project EUniWell#Research, Semmelweis University and Nantes Université organised the first Early Career Researcher and Talent Hub workshop on 24 June 2023.
The Research Training Academy aims to centralise EUniWell's career support and training offer for researchers and provides various services, such as training and networking opportunities, to attract, develop and nurture the next generation of EUniWell change-makers.
The EUniWell Early Career Researcher and Talent Hub supports the creation of a community of researchers united by their interest on well-being and provides a space where they can network, interact, co-create and share their research findings while up-skilling and reskilling on well-being skills.
PhD students from the University of Birmingham, Florence, Cologne, Linnaeus, Murcia, Nantes, and Semmelweis University were invited to participate in interactive workshops on the themes of Open Science and Data Management, and Storytelling in Science Communication.
The Science Communication workshop introduced storytelling as knowledge creation, methodology, and practice. It is a toolkit for PhD students working with stories and storytelling in different ways, combining epistemological knowledge with methodological practice.
In the Open Science and Data Management workshop, the PhD students got an insight into the responsible management of data since it is essential within the Open Science framework to make research outputs visible, reproducible, and reusable. The Data Management Plan, an essential project management tool now mandatory for EUniWell- funded research initiatives, was also part of the training.
Find out more about the EUniWell Research Training Academy.
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