7th EUniWell Seed Funding Call: 9 groundbreaking Projects selected!

12/18/2024 | by Katharina Schlepper

EUniWell has selected nine transdisciplinary and innovative projects for funding under the seventh Seed Funding Call to enhance well-being in research, education and campus life.

With the Seed Funding Call being a cornerstone of the initiatives for the Alliance, the interest in this programme is increasing with every call. Over 50 quality proposals were submitted under the seventh EUniWell Seed Funding Call, making the selection process especially demanding. Ultimately, nine outstanding projects were selected for funding - all of them having the potential to enrich our understanding of well-being in research, education and campus life. 

One of EUniWell’s Thematic Arenas was particularly of interest in this call: all nine selected projects relate to the Arena “Health and Well-Being” reflecting the growing importance and the diverse ways in which it is being explored and advanced through collaborative efforts across disciplines. The focus on Health and Well-Being once again emphasises the significance of fostering physical and mental health, essential pillars for the positive development of individuals, communities, and societies.


The 9 selected projects

Discover the projects chosen by the Seed Funding Selection Committee:

Geo3DTouch aims to enhance inclusive education by creating tactile 3D educational materials for visually impaired students, encouraging collaboration among educators and students, and promoting social equality and innovative teaching practices within the EUniWell Alliance. 

H2Well strives to establish a multidisciplinary network to explore the environmental, economic, and health impacts of hydrogen energy storage technologies, fostering sustainable development in Europe through research, policy recommendations, and public engagement.

iHera seeks to increase awareness, education, and support regarding Premenstrual Syndrom (PMS) and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) among EUniWell students and academics, aiming to foment healthier academic environments and promote informed, empathetic attitudes towards these conditions.

MAT-Toolkit focuses on reinforcing university students' well-being and academic success by developing a multilingual toolkit for teachers and students that fosters a sense of mattering within academic environments.

PAIS explores the potential of Art Therapy and Artistic Mediation to augment well-being, foster inclusivity, and promote democratic values within university communities through interdisciplinary programs and participatory artistic interventions.

POLEMO investigates the emotional and psychological effects of political news and polarisation on well-being, aiming to develop strategies to mitigate negative impacts and cultivate social cohesion within and beyond university communities.

PSYSUB works to assess social and psychosocial determinants of psychoactive substance use among university students across Europe, aiming to inform culturally sensitive and gender-specific preventive educational interventions.

SAL-WELL establishes a multidisciplinary network to assess university community well-being through salivary biomarkers, aiming to develop non-invasive tools to measure and enhance mental and physical health.

UNI4WELL investigates digital well-being among university staff through focus groups and surveys, aiming to develop strategies for balanced technology use and create healthier digital environments across the EUniWell alliance.


Save the Date! 

While the selected projects will start on 1 December 2024, the next opportunity to realise your project ideas is just around the corner. 

The 8th EUniWell Seed Funding Call will open for applications on 20 January 2025, with projects to start on 1 June 2025. More information on how to apply will be published with the official Terms of Reference on the call opening date. 

Further Information: https://www.euniwell.eu/what-we-offer/seed-funding-programme


For any inquiries or assistance, please reach out to contactform[at]euniwell.eu.


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