A diverse group of four young adults, smiling and laughing while looking at a laptop screen, in a relaxed indoor setting.

EUniWell Early Career Researchers’ Talent Hub

As a part of EUniWell #Research

EUniWell Early Career Researchers’ Talent Hub

The EUniWell Early Career Researchers’ Talent Hub supports the creation of a community of researchers united by their interest in well-being-related topics and provides varied spaces where they can network, interact, co-create, and share their research findings while up-skilling and re-skilling in well-being competencies. 

The EUniWell Early Career Researchers’ Talent Hub seeks to attract the next generation of EUniWell researchers and to encourage them to share EUniWell core values through their research projects: interdisciplinary, international, intergenerational, independent, and intersectoral values. The Hub has the ambition to coordinate and create the best conditions to foster junior researchers’ career development by providing them relevant training and networking opportunities and giving them access to premium services such as the Career support and skills assessment tools (with Vitae) provided by EUniWell in 2023.

Overall goal of the programme

The aim of the EUniWell Early Career Researchers’ Talent Hub is to support the sharing of scientific knowledge and networking; to encourage talented young researchers to share their scientific results in an international conference and collaborate on well-being themes; to build a cohort of the EUniWell Early Career Researchers’ Talent Hub; and to facilitate international mobility between the EUniWell universities’ Graduate Schools and research groups.

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Further information

The EUniWell Early Career Researcher Talent Hub is developed under the umbrella of the EUniWell #Research project as part of the H2020 programme under the Science with and for Society (SwafS) call.

The project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101035821.


For more information about the EUniWell Early Career Researcher Talent Hub, please contact turopoli.eszter[at]semmelweis.hu.