Arena 1: Health and Well-being

Why Health and Well-being 

This arena is inspired by Sustainable Development Goal 3 “Good Health and Well-being”. Its mission is to promote health and well-being for all, uniting genders, generations, and cultures. Through an alliance of researchers, students, and civil society organisations, it addresses the challenges posed by migration, demographic changes, and scientific and technological progress.

Central to this arena is its focus on Population Health Management (PHM). Maintaining or improving health and well-being, and preventing the onset or worsening of chronic disease is at the core of PHM. Current population health faces many challenges caused by demographic and epidemiologic transitions, such as the growing occurrence of multiple chronic diseases and ageing populations. These challenges compromise the sustainability of our health care systems. PHM is a broadly-based response to these challenges and has emerged as a strategy for health care providers and payers. It is the proactive integrated clinical management of a population at risk for adverse health outcomes, through a variety of individual, medical, organisational, and cultural interventions.

What we do 

Rooted in the knowledge and expertise of the EUniWell universities, this arena opens up to the challenges of the future to propose a holistic approach to issues regarding the care and well-being of the individual, their community and the planet. These challenges will be addressed with a multidisciplinary approach, developing the local and global dimensions in parallel to enhance knowledge transfer and civic engagement. 

What we currently focus on 

In Arena 1, our objectives are centred around several key areas:

  • Innovative research: Designing a One Health approach that balances and optimises the health of people, animals, and the environment. Promoting research on active ageing, the social construction of age, and the relationship between working conditions, health, and ageing.
  • Educational programmes: Developing academic content and supporting educational offers focused on health and well-being skills. Creating a joint Master’s Programme, a Professional Master, diverse online and hybrid teaching modules, and summer schools.
  • Collaboration and networking: Facilitating knowledge exchange and networking through conferences and international lecture series on ageing, mental health, and well-being with international experts.
  • Community engagement: Expanding knowledge transfer and civic engagement through activities for students, academics, and administrative staff, along with external stakeholders. Organising international workshops and developing guidelines for promoting active ageing and meaningful transitions to retirement.