First EUniWell Summer School concludes with look to future collaborations in well-being tourism
Tourism and well-being, sustainability and climate change - the relationship between these topics was at the heart of the first EUniWell Summer School, hosted by the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Florence from 28 June to 1 July. Over 100 students from different European countries participated in the initiative, 93 of them from the universities of the EUniWell alliance.
The initiative is part of the joint research project “Advancing the understanding of tourism and wellness, drawing on the European biocultural heritage”, funded by EUniWell and coordinated by Linnaeus University (the University of Florence is a partner).
The four-day event served as a stage for interdisciplinary reflection on these issues, as well as a training opportunity for students. The lectures were given by Lali Lindell of Linnaeus University and Francesco Fuso-Nerini of the KTH - Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Lali Lindell introduced the topic of well-being in tourism, enriching her analysis with a review of the main trends that have emerged in recent years in response to the need for healthy, ecological, ethical and spiritual experiences. In the course of the lectures, she illustrated the pillars on which well-being tourism should be based and highlighted good practices relating to different European contexts.
The theme of sustainability in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was outlined by Fuso Nerini. Based on these references, he focused on the aspects of climate change and, following on, the central role of alternative energies in pursuing the 2030 Agenda programme. Finally, he examined the contribution that a discipline like AI could make to this scenario.
During the Summer School, discussions focused on the meaning of the expression “well-being tourism” with the aim of defining a common denominator among the realities that are part of the network. The research interests that could form the basis of new projects to be submitted for European funding were also considered. The students who took part in the initiative hosted by the University of Florence will be involved in a collaboration for the drafting of the next report on good practices in well-being tourism by Linnaeus University.
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