UoB-EUniWell Visiting Fellowship Scheme

03/22/2023 | by Hannah Lowe | Birmingham European Universities Mobility Well-Being

The University of Birmingham has launched a new short-term visiting fellowship scheme to support early career and post-doctoral researchers to share knowledge, create connections and collaborate with academic colleagues on well-being related themes.

A building with a park at the University of Birmingham.

The University of Birmingham has launched a new short-term visiting fellowship scheme to support early career and post-doctoral researchers to share knowledge, create connections, and collaborate with academic colleagues on well-being related themes. 

Early career and post-doctoral researchers from EUniWell founding partners are invited to spend up to three months at the University of Birmingham, and eligible University of Birmingham candidates are invited to spend up to three months at a EUniWell partner university. The funding available will cover up to £500 travel costs and £1,500 per month to support living expenses. 

The aims of the initiative are to:

  • support the sharing and transfer of knowledge, expertise, and networks from different country contexts;
  • encourage talented researchers to collaborate on well-being themes;
  • enable visiting fellows to obtain insight into the organisation and conduct of research, training and administration at the University of Birmingham;
  • enable researchers visiting partner universities to deepen their understanding of the state-of-play in relation to their research area across Europe, to build connections and networks;
  • create connections that may lead research collaboration in the future, thus helping to generate external research income.

How to apply

The call for applications is now open with a deadline of 15 April 2023

For eligibility criteria and full details about the scheme, please download our information sheet.

To apply, please download the application form and return to euniwell[at]contacts.bham.ac.uk no later than 15 April. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team.

Further Information

Support available

  1. The UoB EUniWell team can offer support with identifying potential hosts either at Birmingham or partner universities, if required.
  2. The UoB EUniWell team would also like to hear from academic colleagues who are interested in hosting a Fellow and may have a particular collaborative project that would be suitable to undertake for between one and three months. If you have something in mind, please contact the team.




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